Unexpetced growth in Non-hotel Accommodation

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Private sector neck and neck with hotel industry

Cairo (dc/bd). DELTA CHECK, world’s leading provider of hotel data, has published a hospitality study displaying the strong and unexpected growth of non-hotel accommodation properties.

Not really expected

The global hotel industry had not really expected it – at least not so fast. Non-hotel accommodation now lies neck and neck with hotel accommodation: 1.08 million hotel properties worldwide stand vis-à-vis 1.05 million non-hotel properties.

While not only cities like New York meanwhile desperately try to stop the rapid upcoming of ever more private holiday flats and guest rooms, the upward trend still is strong.

Online portals like Airbnb and Homeaway fuel the trend of private owners to earn some extra money by renting private properties.
DELTA CHECK CHART Hotels vs Non hotel accommodation
The latest DELTA CHECK hospitality study reveals a total of 2.13 million accommodation properties worldwide in 2014. OTAs and online hotel portals are facing increasingly tough challenges: While even the biggest provider maps not more than some 50% of the market, it has become impossible for smaller and medium sized portals to keep pace with this sheer data volume.

Main players

The analysis of main players in the non-hotel accommodation segment shows holiday flats, apartments and b&b’s having the biggest shares, while guesthouses, holiday homes and farmstays account for the smaller contingents.
DELTA CHECK CHART Non hotel accommodation global by Property Type
As this market segment changes quickly, variations and shifts of this statistical data must be expected.

Regional aspects

Like hotels, non-hotel accommodation properties are mostly concentrated within two regional clusters. The bigger cluster is located in Europe, while the second biggest market can be found in North America. Both clusters accumulated already represent more than 85% of the global market within the non-hotel accommodation segment.

The following chart shows the market potentials of all regions worldwide.
DELTA CHECK CHART Non hotel accommodation global by Continent
While travelers welcome the grown variety of the accommodation market, the traditional hotel sector faces increasing problems from the unexpected strengthening of the private sector – a situation that is not expected to change soon.

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