Data Deduplication
he technique of Data deduplication identifies repeated data patterns and reduces them to a single instance to save capacity in the san storage environment. So, depending on the data, the decrease of repeat patterns to a single physical copy is observed and thus storage savings ranging in between 2:1 to 10:1 are gained. That’s why any data specialist agrees that data duplicates are cost monsters in any database that increases the cost dramatically due to repeated work, mixing up tasks, bringing your database’s efficiency to lowest levels. This is not the reason why you have created your database, is it?
The good news: we do not let our customer left alone, so If you:
– want to clean up your data, remove duplicate records
– standardize, normalize or verify your information
– seek to enhance your data with external features and attributes.
Then talk to us, we bring your database to its maximum performance level again.
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